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1. 降低民眾付出的電信成本
2. 讓台灣的電信產業帶動周遭的產業升級及輸出國際

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NCC在規劃台灣電信發展時缺少專業的規劃方法,考量日本與美國的作法;日本的狹稠環境與台灣較類似,台灣電信網路的規劃實應較接近日本的;對於電信業者的執照發給,大致每種技術1張就已非常足夠塞滿台灣;如果是因應各方壓力應或在初期規劃就要求業者在一定的時間點合併,以台灣的case而言,現行5家3G業者應合併為2家才有其經濟規模利益;但3G現在已經有點晚,因業者已都投入相當的金額建設;6間WiMAX業者也應合併為兩間;6間業者因開台的地區不同,目前還有其覆蓋率互補的價值,但若要求達到建設區域70%才能合併,那將一樣步上3G的後路,長期的補貼、過量的建設、超小的購買力、混亂的市場造成資源浪費,台灣市場將難有領先或把經驗賣到世界的資源跟能力;日本電信業的發展之可以從3G開始,不論是內容服務或是網路建設或是business model均是世界的領頭羊,UQ更能在短短2年間就達到80萬用戶在於策略的正確性,論述如下

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The 4G definition that matters

Story by Chris Nicoll. Submitted on March 31, 2010 ·
By Chris Nicoll, Distinguished Research Fellow, Yankee Group

The ITU definition for 4G is very clear - defining a mobile connection of at least 100MB for highly mobile users (typical cell user) and up to 1GB for low mobility users (think WiFi range). The problem is that the ITU definition and all that means is lost on the general population, and we can thank the operators for that. The problem they are dealing with is how to get THEIR users interested in higher priced, higher value services now while ‘true’ 4G is still years away? Simple, since 3G has been around for a while to so-so performance for many users, we just call the ‘next generation’ of the high speed network ‘4G’ and let the standards bodies do their own thing.

At CTIA ‘4G’ and ‘LTE’ were used nearly synonymously. In most of my meetings at CTIA with both equipment vendors and operators I asked them to give me a definition of 4G. Interestingly enough, most gave me a description of what 4G is or the benefits until my very last appointment of the conference. Everyone from VZW and Sprint to NSN and Huawei talked about how individual user speeds were increasing into the 10’s of MB range (VZW saying its LTE trials were showing rates upwards of 50MB on the down link), that latency control is greatly improved for better quality video service, that the flat IP infrastructure is lower-cost and more application friendly. All very true, but missing the point.

My last meeting with ALU finally revealed the answer. Dan Locklear, Sr Director for LTE Solutions Marketing finally hit the nail on the head: ‘4G is a disruptive change in the user experience’.
There are a lot of things IN that definition that creates the disruptive change, but for a simple phrase, I think that captures it. THAT is what users are looking for: something better than they had, doing things better and maybe differently than before, and for some entering into an entirely new world where video is accessible and the performance is acceptable.

We are looking at how this ‘disruptive change’ is occurring, in everything from tracking evolutions in backhaul, core and transmission technologies, to the application and ecosystem environment, cloud, and how the proliferation of the newest generation of devices makes it easy for a user to increase their network data usage by over 100x in 30 days.

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